We know, Tucker,you're not a girl. But since Target doesn't carry your size bathing suit, you can't be in the band.
"Sorry, buddy," or "You're welcome,"... I think we know which one floats best with you.
Hope it's shining some where you are!
We know, Tucker,you're not a girl. But since Target doesn't carry your size bathing suit, you can't be in the band.
"Sorry, buddy," or "You're welcome,"... I think we know which one floats best with you.
Hope it's shining some where you are!
Forgiven! So, mmmm.....
The chair is pretty fun, but the floor... the floor is where it's at, people!
(Just please be a good blog reader and pretend you don't see apple style ring around the collar.)
Hope to see you same time, same blog next month.
These cheeks will be waiting.
Postcards picked up on beach trips gone by and tucked into a grapevine hanging basket on the back of our front door...
All things bird and garden-- like old books, a nest, and tin birdfeeder I found in our yard...
Latest favorites of my favorite parts of any season-- propped up on the fireplace with button dorned (read: hot-glued) clothespins...
Blooms from the backyard put into really expensive tiny vases... or maybe those are empty bottles of syrup that came home from the Cracker Barrel in my purse...
A break in the clouds! HA-LLEH-LU-JAH! I needed some pots for herbs I was given... feeling they needed a little something, something I quickly rolled on a swish of leftover chalkboard paint...
A little happiness on the front porch planted in just about any old thing I could find...
My summer born babe worn right close to my heart....
I do believe the sun is shining and birds are singing, after all. To think I could have just started with that face... :)
And my own incredible Mama's thirtieth.
But no matter how much I think or blog about it, things just won't get off the fast track. This year's message to me has been simple though.So simple, so almost cliche... but it became new to me in a profound way.
The weekend was filled with small, sweet surprises. Like on Saturday morning when the only thing I had to do was nurse Maddie and then head out to a women's breakfast at church. God was so good to feed me, but in reverse, by taking a lot of off my plate.
See He reminded me that I need not be a perfect wife or mama; I need to be the wife and mama He has called me to be. That involves remembering what I do well and resolving to do better in the areas where I know I struggle. After all, His power is made perfect in my weakness.
So, perfection? Not gonna happen. But my family's hearts knowing they can trust in Him and, in turn, in me? For this I strive. This time may be fleeting, but I want us to live in the moments we're given. It seems, in my experience, that really living and really trusting go together hand in hand.
I called Joe as soon as I got in the car with so much to share only to find out he had the girls with him at the Home Depot taking care of a small project for Maddie's room. He assured me they were either happy or sleeping and then to go take some time for myself.
I hit up several inspiration spots and struck gold, well wicker anyway, at the first one! In the next year we will start to do a few bigger girl projects in Hope's room, and I scored a wicker headboard for eight bucks. A rustic sign for our living room, that little message above, and an old glass jug-- perfect for summer lemonade or sweet tea-- rounded out the visit for just pennies a piece.
I managed to hit up three more spots, but only the Goodwill tempted me any further.
Both Joe and I share the love language "words of encouragement," so it is quite possible our girls might too; I can't wait for us to tuck a coupon or note in an unexpected place.
By the time I met up with them at the library, I was really missing them all! We played, checked out, and then headed to the park for an impromptu picnic with friends. Sunday carried on with what Saturday had begun. How could it not when it started with, "Yook, Mommy, a supwise! I quacked the egg an' stiwwed an'..." Don't worry, Maddie, I know you had the hard job of supervising while waiting patiently on your cereal.
Every bit of this a gift.
Not because of these near perfect moments in my world, though. Because we even had the moments at all.
For three years or thirty, flawless or imperfect as can be... may I wake up to the message.Then really live like a couple of important lives depend on it.
Happy belated Mother's Day to one inspiration after another!