One of the most generous people I've met, a pretty new but old friend (don't you love those?!), and lucky for me... a neighbor! :) Mama Brown gave me an award a few weeks back, and I am touched. Go check out her sweet blog with her family of Brownies.
To play by the rules, here are six things not too many people may know about me. This will be a challenge, but here goes the random...
1. I would take a good foot massage over just about anything. Same goes for a card or encouraging word, especially just because. That's simply the stuff money can't buy, yet it hits the jackpot with me. I will admit that Joe knows this, and he knows this well. :)
2. There is no telling how many times I have watched the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice. It's practically an addiction, and is sure to be on if I have a long night of cleaning or projects ahead of me. Every time Mr. Darcy calls her, "My dearest, loveliest Elizabeth" I want to watch it all over again. And the thing is nearly five hours long as it is! On the same note, I should probably never own Anne of Green Gables. Oh, Gilbert Blythe!
3. I am a neck-a-phobe, though this disorder has certainly gotten better since having children (who are quite often nuzzled there!) All while growing up my brother would out of the blue touch my neck to drive me crazy. Break me out in red splotches and everything. What am I saying? He still does!
4. I cheered during high school (don't laugh... we competed at State with hopes of Nationals and the whole deal!), but secretly I kind of wish I had really pursued my track and field career. Running the hurdles gave me a serious high, and the 400-meter relay was a-w-e-s-o-m-e! I just wish I had the same passion for long distance running now-a-days since I don't see too many sprinting competitions in my near future (Save all around my house, of course, after two of the fastest toddlers on four legs!)
5. Adoption is on my heart and mind nearly all the time. I ache for families I know who are awaiting the child(ren) they want to adopt.
6. I hope that Joe and I never "retire"... I hope some of the dreams that lie deep in our hearts are just getting started by then. I so want to grow old gracefully; hey, I want to grow in my early thirties gracefully while I'm at it!
And now, six of you to tag... feel free to participate or not!
** My two fellow Simple Girl friends who make life more crafty, more fun, and more beautiful. (That means you, Brooke and Sarai!)
** One of my fellow Tidewater girlfriends, Heather, who made the area that much harder to leave. So glad she has started a blog!!
**My courageous friend, Audra, who simply inspires me. (Brian, you're not too bad yourself! :) Go check out their blog for just a snippet of why.
**Another small group inspiration, Amy, whose family is amazing. Remember "Bringing Pavel Home?" Well, bring Micah Pavel home they did!
**One of the first new friends to welcome us when we moved, Rachel. I'll never forget her sweet (and delicious!) home cooked meal after all those months of living in a one room hotel. She's such a great resource for information and deals!
Well, there you have it! Bonus Fact: If you notice a lot of late night blogging, it's because none of my children like to let me sleep in the first and last of the last trimesters! Thankfully that hasn't really been indicative of their sleep habits once they are actually outside my womb, but still... sleep is kind of a necessity for my day job.
Ah, well!
Hope you enjoyed this little stroll down random lane! :)

1 comment:
i know i'm commenting on all your old posts, but it amazes me how similar we are. a&e's pride and prejudice, anne of green gables. i finally got them all on dvd last year! and in one post you mentioned the les mis with liam neeson. i don't know anyone but my mom who loves that as much as me. what can i say? we gots tatste! ;)
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