Sunday, November 1, 2009

October's Last Day

Our Second Annual CHILI-ing Fall Fun night concluded a couple of hours ago. And though I really should be worn out, the late night mongo turtle brownie has other plans for me.

So, why not upload some of those photos from October's final fling? :)

What a blessing to be able to continue tradition, spend time with our neighbors (missed those who were sick this year-- ugh!), and pretend the night away. Chili, Nana's special Wassail recipe, Mrs. Karen's 7-layer dip, and that sinful chocolate overload aren't too shabby either!

Hope your Saturday was special however you chose to spend it!


Cara said...

What a great Halloween tradition! My parents' whole street always has a big chili dinner on Halloween too. Our street seems to be more into the haunted houses, which I am not. :) Happy Halloween!

Jen said...

You are so creative and crafty Katrina, even when you're not feeling 100%. I wish we lived in your neighborhood :) Congratulations on number 3!