... of our babes. Our hammy little babes.
Since a big part of this blog is to not forget the details my already full Mama's brain might not hold for always... I just have to pause and remember some of the things our babies consistently say here lately. The terribly sweet and the terribly not-so-sweet, even.
Warning: This may be one of those posts only a grandparent can really appreciate. Especially since I've been adding to it for several days now. :)
Hope...*Takes our faces in her hands at any given point during the day and says, "Mommy (Daddy), you'we my best fwiend!" or "I yove you with all my heawts." Just about makes my hearts burst, I tell you.
*Anytime we ask her to stop doing something or to put something away that she really likes she'll respond with, "But, I just YOVE (insert favorite thing here)!" For example, "But, I just YOVE to jump on the couch, Mommy!" as if this defense has not a solitary hole in it.
*When a sentimental type of song comes on, especially this one particular
Veggie Tale's tune about sharing, she'll often declare, "Yet's all hold hands as a famwee!"
*Countless upon countless times a day do we hear some version of, "Who? What? When? Where? Why? But, hooooow?"
*If you really want to see sparks fly, try to say that Dora and crew are cartoon characters. "Dowa and Diego are weal! Not cawtoon chawecters!" We only had this conversation once because Hope was convinced she could drive since Diego does. But I expect it would be quite the same every time.
*We can also expect to hear just about every night before we leave her room, "Kiss hands... Air hug... Sing with me... Hold my hand for just a few more minutes, okay?"
Maddie...*"Shoo, hunn-eee!" (only said sometimes during stinky diaper changes, but it about does us in every time!)
*"Hewewgo." (here you go)
*While playing peek-a-boo, she only puts her hands around her mouth and cheeks. Then she pulls them away as if you couldn't see her to say,"I see youuuu!"
*"Ooh, pitty!" (pretty)
*When we announce that it's time to say the blessing she frequently reminds us what to do by saying, "Hans, hans." (hands, hands). She'll only stop if you indeed take each other's hands. In following after big sis, she says this same thing when we sing. These words especially get to me because Hope used to say them all the time as a baby, always wanting you to hold her hand. It's a wonder my shoulder is not permanently dislodged from riding with my arm in the backseat.
*"Yook, Nan-aaaa!" Still saying this when she's done something she thinks is cool, even though Nana left weeks ago!
*Often when she sees Dora books or paraphernalia, "Oh, mannnn!" (You must know Swiper to truly appreciate this). I don't know how this explorer got so popular in our house; alas, she is. She's helped to get us on the potty and away from the paci, so I really can't fault that girl.
*When she gets hurt she'll puff out those full lips and come up to you with the most pitiful, "Bump, bump! Tiss, tiss!" (kiss, kiss) while holding the injured body part.
*When I look at Maddie, especially first thing in the morning, I'll say, "Hi, Baby!" Then for at least thirty seconds she and I will go back and forth with her, "Hi, Ba-beee!" If you could just hear that little voice say it. Batting of the eyelashes is the cherry on top.
And the not so pretty...
Hope didn't learn those words until muuuch later in life. I suppose, monkey-see monkey-do!
*"Haa-shh, Tuhhh-ck!" (hush, Tuck!) I am sad to say I can't even blame this one on Hope.
Which reminds me that we have two precious monkeys with a lot of heart and a little sass. Some (cough... Mom!) may say the same about the other grown up girl in the house.
For that, I ain't recording one thing more. :)