Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Update: I wrote this post at the end of last week hoping to join in the party. Now I've decided to go ahead and post it with the hopes that we can all remember to pray like crazy for their precious little boy! To have this kind of faith in a situation this hard is an inspiration; may God heal their miracle child yet another time!
Now, this looked like some fun. Let the free therapy begin!

I'm pretty sure I would never attempt to hurriedly vacuum our stairs with one baby on my hip, while the other not-so-baby had the kitchen counter and a step stool to herself. It's a good thing I didn't do that, too, because if I had I just might have walked in to discover this.

A little Parmesan cheese for her pa-sketti, in case you couldn't tell.

Boy would I have learned my lesson. So, of course, later on I would never ever knowingly let my same toddler pry graham crackers and tortilla chips out of the pantry just so I could finish a telephone conversation. If I did, I would certainly make her mind her c's and c's, by not leaving Gretel-like crumbs everywhere.
Afterwards I would not secretly be glad, as one who doesn't like to waste food, that my nasty cardboard attempt at healthy graham crackers were finally (finally!) gone. I mean those delicious (choke... gag!) treats were not a splurge at over three bucks a box! Are you kidding me? Not at all!

Please, I am definitely not pointing to such a mess with a red finger. If I were, that might mean I was using nap time to furiously spray paint a thrifted tricycle for one eager rider. Said thrifted tricycle, with such cute potential in my mind I might add, could not now scar even a two year-old should she decide to take it for a spin.

I would never exaggerate on something so serious.

I would surely also never be so ashamed that I would show only the back end of such a salvaging nightmare, especially since spray paint is usually such a faithful crafting companion! What next, my glue gun???? But I digress because... no way, people! Not me!
And lastly, on my way to not scrub the dickens out of my hypothetically red hands, I simply would not die of embarrassment for you to know I spotted two pregnant laundry hampers at our house. That would mean our children were like a step or two away from being naked! Yet, we still didn't go out to play instead of inducing labor on those babies.
Sheesh. This is getting crazy!

Just what kind of mother would you think I am then?!

I cannot officially end this post without for real thanking a wonderful neighbor who came to my thrift-store-gone-bad rescue by giving us her kids' outgrown trike! Hope won't need some therapy of her own, after all, especially after I made up with my spray paint. The basket on the front wouldn't have been the same without you, old friend. :)

1 comment:

Zach and Natasha Zirbel said...! Talk about adventures huh? You endured a lot in all those pictures. Oh boy, lol, you just Have to laugh cause what else is there to do in various situations such as those? Getting mad does nobody any good so..just smile and make light of it, which you did, in this post. :)