Friday, October 24, 2008


Glad to see that we're not the only ones for whom this time of the year is addicting. It's been so fun to read or hear about all the cool fall things people are doing here and there, that day-to-dayness that makes up different people's lives. For us one of the perks about moving to this area has been all the family friendly places for making memories, especially in autumn. We try to plan one such time for most weekends so as to savor the season for as long as we can. Plus with the cold weather coming (eek, flu season!), it's necessary to get out now while we still can! You've already seen some of the Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze.

Then there was the Country Ham Festival and one of our final hikes up the parkway's paths.

This weekend is one of our very favorites-- Pumpkinfest! The kids (and us adults, I won't lie) get to all try out our costumes together for the first time. Here's a shot of last fall when Joe, Hope, and I went as Linus, Sally Brown, and The Great Pumpkin from the Peanuts gang:

For another fall fix, stay tuned to find out what Goodwill and other bargain hunting craziness we've concocted for tomorrow... and have a great weekend yourselves!

1 comment:

Nina said...

I'm so jealous that Hope will wear a costume... and something on her head! I think Drew will be going as himself this year... he won't let us put any costume on him! Happy Fall!