When I know people are coming to visit, I happily set about planning out our time together. When some of our dearest made the big trip from Tennessee to see us, I spent several hours the day before their arrival in my kitchen. Joe took the girls out and about while I chopped up lots of fresh fruit and veggies, put together kid-friendly casseroles, prepped desserts and batter for breakfast treats, etc. I looked up the fun stuff in our area that I thought all the families would enjoy and shot a copy of this to my friends so they would know how to pack according to what sounded good. We made little signs and shopped for small surprises-- bubbles, kites, coloring books-- that tiny hands might enjoy. And I loved every minute of it.
When they arrived, we scratched and adapted according to what real life gave us. We spent some of our time being adventurous, like hitting up Liberty Mountain. Then we spent much more of it around the house, just letting the kids play and be-- catching up and taking note of when we and our kiddos needed something different. This balance thing is proving to be one of the most valuable skills I can fine tune in this life.
This past year has been a lot about living in the moment, taking what comes-- enjoying or sometimes surviving the unscripted moments and, yet, fitting in the opportunities to plan and dream. To take a small seed of an idea and turn it into reality by hard work and determined vision. I am not always perfect in figuring out when to be which, but I am working on it as life rolls along.
Getting back into our groove this week proved that planning can be fruitful, but holding those plans loosely-- making way for chances to stretch and grow from the unexpected-- can be divine. Or, at the least, teach me what I'm made of-- strong stuff, I've learned, by the grace of God.
:: Girls, girls. Some of the sisters were actually brought to tears by a heated discussion of whether or not the Brown Barbaloots are boys or girls. During this the littlest one kept repeatedly calling, "Mama! MA-MA!" Until finally I said, "Yes, Alysse??"
"I dwess up!" Which cracked us all up at precisely the right moment.

Sure enough, Leesie. You are so good for anchoring us in humor and kindness... often asking, "You o'tay?" or "What'sa madder?" when one of us is upset. Thanks, baby girl.
:: Broccoli muscles are funny. We're thinking cantaloupe grins might be even funnier. Laughter, being an essential key, to weathering the unexpected and life in general.

:: This swing is a joyful spot in our home. I think porch swings make for good therapy; they give you happy just by looking at 'em.

:: Calvin and Hobbes with Daddy. They love it.

:: Dancing with Mama caught by Daddy. I love it.

:: I used to sometimes feel successful depending on how many things occupied my schedule. It's a good place in life when you realize that sometimes leaving schedules empty has just as much, if not often more, lovely benefits. Like being able to oblige tiny toenails, a plan inspired by our blond babe.

:: Joe and I have been given the opportunity to share our testimonies these past few weeks, some planned and others quite unexpected. So humbled when the hard, or good, in my life is used to help someone else. I need to look for more opportunities to do this, yet I need to sometimes just let those opportunities come right to me.
::So, our girls had their first ever recital! They gathered their courage to dance their hearts out on the big stage in a production called "Yahweh." At one point Maddie stopped to twirl to the onstage flowers and Hope stopped a little early to run up and tell her teacher, "You are so pretty!" Perfect.

:: After many not-so-fun surprises in the last weeks, we planned out some super cool ones this past weekend. The recital memories made sweeter by small flower bouquets at the end and ballerina cupcakes, toppers found ages ago and saved for just that night.

Maddie likes small things, so we made her flowers tiny enough to fit in a requested tiniest of vases.
:: Sunday, we saved the news of two more surprises. Tickets to see a long loved story "Peter Pan." And Ms. Amanda, a most favorite law student, staying for dinner since she came to watch over Alysse napping while the rest of us were at the play. This was a good, good day!

:: And that good day has inspired many, many reenactments.

Fun memories of the play:
Hope: "Will you come someday to watch all MY plays, Mama?"
Maddie: "If that fairy dust reaches us, think we'll fly?"
I remember back to Christmas this past year. We had some friends over for a playdate and we were discussing our holiday travel plans. Boy, I had it all worked out-- we were going to fit in all the family from NC to DC, with our own family unit time to spare. As I recounted all this to my mama friend I remember saying, "You know? I hold all this loosely, especially when I have it planned out like this."
We laughed and then.
I held it all loosely.
I'm learning, hoping for the chance to savor as many good surprises as we can.
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