Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Motherload of Resolutions

After all the morning (night... afternoon... etc...) sickness of the fall, holidays, and life in general I am second trimester inspired in this nice, round 2010! Though most of our Christmas decorations just barely came down, I was determined that come the first few weeks of the new year we'd be heading back to on track.

1. I figured out how to get around that whole limited reader access thingy... thank you, little birdie friend!

2. I can actually see my laundry room floor again! Rumor has it that our bedroom is almost no longer the overflow space for clothes gone astray. MUST stick to my "laundry day" this year. I will not be the mother with three naked children. I will NOT be the mother with three naked children!

3. And best of all... after lots of repurposing and cleaning out, our preschool is back in session. The kind of "preschool" that goes with the flow (big time!), has no pressure, and is done in your bedroom shoes of course! You can be sure that if I have a choice between cleaning/laundering and this... this is bound to win out just about every time.

Now if I can stop taking shadowy indoor photos, get some more veggies in our children, sort through a bunch of coupons, catch up all our filing, and hmm... I'll have it all under control. :)

Soon enough.

For now I'll just revel in folded laundry and little girls with books in their hands.

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