Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall in Under Forty... I Think?


Mid-week we got the sad news that the long awaited visit from Uncle Russ, Auntie Ellen, and a fabulous trio of cousins was to be postponed because of their having a nasty stomach flu! Bummer in every way.

Then Saturday morning we missed our long awaited trip to the free "Biscuits and Bluegrass" festival on the grounds of an old, historic hotel near the big city. We were all dressed up (and cheesing it!) with no place to go.
Unless you count brush hauled off to the dump, laundry, grocery shopping, mail catch-up, and napping for the girls on a very damp and chilly Saturday.

We didn't, really.

So, once the girls woke up we decided to let Hope plan how she'd like to spend her five dollar potty money from PopPop and Nana. She thought out each dollar carefully with our help. Finally, she decided upon a quesadilla kids' meal from Moes and a trip to pick two surprises from the Dollar Store. We picked up the tax, being the loving parents we are and all. :) The look on her face when she got to pay out of her own purse... it was a ball!

Does any of this really have to do with fall?

No, really.

But, thanks to another beautiful fall birthday bash on Sunday, we got our fill of bonfires and giant pots of chili and outdoor (scary face!) fun after all. Yep, another awesome family with inspiration to share!

I'm already dreaming about next weekend's pumpkin patch come brush or laundry or bills or... :)


Rachel@AllergenFreePlease said...

I love your pot with "gratitude" on the front...great idea! Sounds like you guys are doing lots of fun fall activities!

Mama Brown said...

We loved having you guys over to celebrate with us. Thanks for the pictures...they are awesome!!!