It seems you guessed it! Hope could barely contain her excitement for the postponed "ZOO
PAWTY!" this past weekend. What a blessing to see her really "get it" this year and to gather a community together for celebration. (Not to mention, I could get a real kick out of planning children's parties- on quite a budget, even- maybe one of these days?) :)
We learned, created/made messes, and had ourselves a big time leading up to the weekend. Then when three certain aunties pulled into the drive, we thought she (oh heck, all of us!) just might burst. We couldn't have done it without them!
Hard as it was we didn't explode, though, and the next day all the little party animals joined us. We played the games made mostly from things around our house, dressed up in masks, and "ate like the animals" including the pictured below trees for giraffes (thanks Grandpa and Grandma for providing for the food!). Of all the things we did, Hope could hardly wait for one part in particular-- "I want to give my
fwiends their
pwizes!" (A
playlist of
Jeremiah was a Bullfrog, Crocodile Rock, Jungle Boogie, Rockin' Robin, etc. courtesy of DJ Auntie
Mawcie-- thanks, friend!) With that came an end to what we hoped was a fun time for all.
Without further adieu, here are some snapshots of our walk on the wild side:
We'll never forget Hope's excitement over everyone arriving and the snack treats, the compassionate way she helped one of her friends when he got upset, the prancing around in her giraffe mask, shouts of "I don't
yike that! It's
vewy dawk!" when blindfolded to pin the trunk, all the hugs and laughs, and the generosity of those who brought two canned goods for a local food pantry-- one for each year of Hope's life.
But we'll especially never forget the shy, almost honored look on Hope's face when the entire room of people sang her
Happy Birthday. When they finished she looked at me and quietly asked, "Again?"
Thanks to all of you who could be with us and obliged that little request.
Happy birthday, our big girl. Your heart, your creative spirit, your ability to make us laugh and sing and dance continues to amaze us. May God watch over you and help you grow in this new year of your life... just be sure to slow down the time every chance you get, okay?