I really like a good set of bookends. Make 'em cute and, as with most things, all the better. All those titles sandwiched between two pretty objects. The smell and feel of the pages, all the stories held into place until the time is right for savoring them.
This past week was bookended by the ultimate-- great weekends. The first being our girl turning two, the completed anticipation of party day. Of looking around at a gathering of family and friends who recognize the life of our little Leesie as something important and special. Having almost all her grandparents travel in, totally the cherry on top.
And the second being a long three-day weekend. Time to turn the backyard into a lazy maze of things to do. Grilling out every dinner, making lemonade cupcakes just because we're together. Quite honestly, Joe and I have had some trying moments over the last few months. But I love that man fiercely and to the end. This time especially because about 10 pm, the night before Memorial Day, he says with that gleam in his eye-- "Hey, wanna do something really fun as a family tomorrow?" In a split second, he had a list going of stuff to gather from around the house, and I headed five minutes down the road to Kroger. By midnight we had packed bags and a full cooler, counting down the hours till we could announce to the girls that we were headed out of town to this great little beachy lake. Family time, concentrated... so sweet. A gift.
That sandbox given to us for FREE by a random connection to a stranger! It's just what I dreamed up my Dad building for the girls. I think I just heard him breathe a little sigh of relief. :)
In between those bookends, though, is a great title. One that was certainly savored until the end. Like all good books, once it was reshelved, there was that agonizing feeling of longing for it to have just begun again. To go back to when you hadn't yet read the story so you could experience the whole thing afresh, with wide eyed wondering. There were tears by us all indicating that those feelings weren't just for me alone.
A real page turner in our books: Nana Came to Town.
:: One of the best parts of Nana's visits is that she just jumps in. When she arrived at the party, girls were scooped up and faces wiped and drinks refilled-- I could breathe all the easier, knowing that she sees through eyes quite like mine and she loves these girls so deeply. Around the house things get done because I know my girls are well watched. And almost every evening there are walks around the block or time for me to run solo, something that I've really begun to enjoy again. Except maybe that first hill. Okay, definitely that first hill.
My Mother's Day shoes have special powers. First night I wore them I ran extra long and was barely out of breath! 1/3 the way to my fitness goals.
:: Outings are all the better too, with that extra set of willing hands. As a belated Mama's Day gift, we gave her a vase and then helped her pick blooms from a local flower growing farm. The pickings were a little slim when we got there that day, but it was fun all the same. Plus we made up for it by letting her choose dinner-- amazingly she ended up picking the Cracker Barrel, which just so happens to be one of the girls' faves.
:: Then there is just the every day. I never got to have a sister, but especially the older I get-- she is a dearest friend, a sister and mama rolled into one.
She helps me laugh hard when the girls ask for a bucket of water.
Clap loud when a most creative cousin sends the cutest package wondering if we'll all be in her upcoming wedding.
Ooh and ahh over the most dear picture of birthday day's lunch. Not to mention help in recreating a "Fro Yo" spot when a sudden hail storm upset our plans.
And more...
I might be shouting it from the roof tops here a little, so to speak, but I cannot help myself. Several months ago it was uncertain that my Mom would even be here another day, so to have her be able to drive herself to our home and to enjoy her --that healthy!!-- so much? Well, it's a miracle.
One of the most sparkling stories our bookends could possibly hold.
Training and Move In Season!
5 years ago