Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What We Gonna Do Today?

Well girls, to answer that favorite morning question...
How about???

Some ice-cream and story telling on a blanket in the backyard? Strawberries, definitely not optional.

Blowing dandelions or bubbles to your heart's delight?

Splashing in our dollar find plastic pool and running through the sprinkler?

Wading in and picnicking by a creek?

Having special guests over for dinner?

Crying at the park over spilled milk even though you were rocking cute, little sand pails?
So maybe we could leave out that last one next time? :)

How about being grateful that God has given us sunshine and a beautiful world???

So many simple ways to enjoy it, and it's my joy to spend this time with you. One thing I know for sure is that things don't always stay the same, and I want to remember you both how you are now when it's raining down sunshine... and that spilled milk stuff.

Until Tomorrow Morning,

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