Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another Wooded Weekend...

...with some great friends (since middle school for Mark and Joe!) in a place called Mouth of Wilson. Its name alone should conjure up images of winding roads and a secluded cabin. Add to that taking in beautiful views, gorging on fresh fruit and french toast and grilled kabobs, finding flowers and turtles and caterpillars and snails all while catching up and watching a trio of girls toddle around... ahh, the makings of a wonderful wooded weekend. Things have been so busy around here that these little breaks from the norm and into nature are such welcomed retreats. And a real blessing that we can even do them!

Speaking of some other outdoorsy sounding stuff, we simply have to recommend the Seeds Family Worship. Scripture is put to music in such a talented way that just the other morning during breakfast, while I was getting dressed upstairs, I heard Hope console Maddie with, "Whatever you eat, whatever you dwink-- do it all for the gwory of God!"

Then, while winding our way back from the woods, the backseat stole our hearts:

As a bonus, these songs aren't just for the kids. You can take Joe's belting out the Word for it:

1 comment:

nattiebittie said...

This is Nattiebittie again I commented on one of your older posts. your family is beautiful, and your blog is spiritually strong. I hope you keep posting. I stumbled across your blog and loved it.