Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bits: Simple Gifts

In preparation for our annual Operation Christmas Child packing party, I loaded a video from Samaritan's Purse that had the phrase "simple gifts" in the title.  We watched as thrilled little boys and girls from so many different nations opened shoe boxes filled with small gifts, simple gifts.  All with a simple, but profound message.

Jesus loves you.

And, you know, I think that's how it is with the bits I record in this space.  Each time I unwrap a small moment, simply captured I can hear the same profound whisper.

Jesus loves me.

Now I've lived long enough and experienced enough life to know that Jesus isn't just in the happy, the ship shape, the perfect.

His glory lives in smushed peanut butter and jelly between the van seats, heart wrenching doctor reports, teaching little girls that life really is better if we all just get along, and stretched bank accounts.

Life will hold suffering.
Life will hold triumph.


Jesus loves us all.
Some simple gifts...

:: I never tire of stumbling upon my girls engrossed in books.
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Sister has reached that stage where she is very into her wardrobe choices. Which explains why she is either naked or in yet another outfit approximately 3/4 of the day.

:: Speaking of stories, this is our favorite reset button.  Books on CD in the van as we drive around until we find a good and scenic place to park.  If I can scrounge the change, we throw in a tall warm Butterscotch Toffee- a little bit of cream and sugar- and three tiny cups of free animal crackers from the local coffee drive-thru.  We have cried and laughed our way through CD after CD checked out from the library down the street.
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:: A refueling mid-afternoon treat that's healthy enough to serve for breakfast.
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2 ripe mashed bananas, 1 cup of oats (steel cut or regular), and 1/4 cup of peanut butter {raisins and/or chocolate chips never hurt either}mixed together and dropped by rounded spoonfuls onto a greased baking sheet for about 12 minutes at 350. Note: Add a little flour if the batter is too runny.

:: We took Daddy camping for his birthday.  My camera petered out on me moments after we arrived, but I have so many fond memories to spill out.  My girls playing "Little House on the Prairie" inside a small and rustic log home found at the campground park.  Chilly s'mores, Apples to Apples, and songs by the campfire with friends who drove two hours round-trip just to help us celebrate.  Alysse experiencing mild claustrophobia from her new mummy bag, so my finally tucking her in with me-- my other two, old pros, and barely moving once snuggled down. Mile and a half hikes up to some of the tallest waterfalls in the country.  Whiny miniature hikers toward the end, optionally remembered.:)  Sunday afternoon naps, traditional once-a-year Daddy birthday fare (marinated steaks, loaded baked potatoes, and green beans-- with cold root beers straight out of the bottles) and coconut vanilla cake with other good friends late in the evening. I think he had a happy weekend, and that makes me so... happy.
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:: Friday morning centers allowing me a hot shower before another full November weekend.  Or at least allowing me the hot shower until someone accidentally rearranged Alysse's tangram butterfly creation.
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Everyone might learn better in a white fairy gown and some Minnie Mouse heels from time to time, I think.

:: And that packing party that helped me to remember the gift of it all.
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Playing Christmas music and wearing last year's Christmas jammies, not optional whatsoever.


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