Like we finished our last vaccination, hit up some frozen yogurt to celebrate, and made it to Nana and Pop Pop's in record time. Even with the seven thousand rounds of "Wheels on a Bus" it took to get there. Which, actually, turns out to be a lot of fun with our wildcard song contributor Alysse Maribeth. She one-uped us by using her turn to finally put something other than a baby on the bus. For the record "Pinkerbell" goes "Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!" and gets loads of applause afterwards.
::I love this Sunday a lot. Truly.

:: We have proven a lot of things to ourselves in the last few weeks. Among them is the important fact that encore egg hunts are pretty much as fun as the ones done on actual Easter Sunday. I also caught a lot of shows, tea parties, and stuffed animal playdates while I recovered from being sick. Not that it needed any proving, but it sure was nice to have easy access to my Mama during one of the rare times I am out for the count.

:: One thing we didn't do a lot of was visiting around. Instead of our usual here-to-there, this trip showed us we needed to rest and get ourselves strong. That meant we layed low and spent most all of our time with uncles who gladly take over bedtime stories, aunts who help make fantastic picture collages, pop pops who play waitress or wedding, and nanas who splurge for a fabulous cake and a last pitcher of homemade lemonade on our last night in town.
"Prince Caspian" and frequently doled out bananas and clementines were our companions for the return trip to someone we missed a whole lot. We got into town, scooped him up, and headed for some late night burritoes. As a happy accident on the way back we caught a surprise fireworks display which I think the girls are convinced their Daddy arranged for our homecoming. It was pretty awesome, reunited and sitting on the side of the road while huge bursts of light and color filled the sky. Alysse must have agreed because we all heard her whisper from the backseat, "That's magic." For the record, that too gets loads of applause.

Looking forward to the every day magic of being home again.
1 comment:
good to hear that you guys have had some down time. i hope home is treating your family in a mountain top experience. it's well deserved. i'll check in next week:)
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